North Union Local School District

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North Union Local School District News Article

Science Class Is Out Of This World

Science Class Is Out Of This World

Students in Mrs. Edgar’s Fifth grade class had to research a planet, and then also make or design a model of that planet. The planet had to include moons, rings, craters, similar to that of the real one in which they had researched. The students also had to then be creative in their design, with making sure they painted their planet similar to that of the original one. In their research they had to answer 13 questions about their planet, and then present their report to the class along with their model that they designed. Overall, the students had fun making the planet projects, learned about their project through their research, and then presented to their classes what they had learned. In their presentations, they also taught students different ideas about their planet, and their audience also learned right along with them! If you have time, stop by the elementary school and check out all of the beautiful planets that are throughout the building.

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