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North Union Local School District

Prepare | Challenge | Empower

About Board Meetings


Our Board meets regularly on the third Monday of each month. When a need exists, special meetings of the Board are called, and notice is given to local media about these meetings. All of our regular and special Board meetings are open to the public.


You can follow our discussions with a meeting agenda. Agendas are located on the table as you enter the meeting room, or they may be secured from the Treasurer. Each Board meeting follows a fully prepared agenda. Board members receive the agenda as well as background material several days in advance in order to prepare for the meeting.

Order of Business

Each regular meeting of the Board follows a specific order that includes:
  1. Call to Order and Roll Call of Members
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Reports and Presentations
  4. Correspondence and Informational Items
  5. Reception of Visitors (Public Participation)
  6. Motions for Consideration (Official Board Action)
  7. Discussion Items

The Board addresses action items expediently at each meeting through a consent agenda. The consent agenda allows action items previously reviewed by Board members to be voted on as a group. Therefore, each action item may not be read aloud. A list of all action items subject to a vote of the Board can be found in the written agenda.

Executive Sessions

Sometimes, usually at the beginning or end of a meeting, the Board leaves to hold a private discussion. These discussions are called executive sessions and are held in accordance with Ohio law. During these discussions, Ohio law permits the Board to discuss personnel matters, property purchases, possible legal action, employee negotiations, security arrangements, and items the law says must be kept confidential. Since Ohio Law says that all of the Board’s voting must be done in public, executive sessions are for discussion purposes only.

Citizen Participation

  1. There is always a section of our agenda that allows for visitors to participate in the meeting with comments, suggestions, or concerns. We ask for your cooperation, however. Any individual desiring to address the Board shall complete a “citizen participation card” that is available on the table with the meeting agenda, or from our Treasurer.
  2. To allow the Board to complete its agenda in an effective and efficient manner, public input is limited to three minutes per individual and to a total of thirty minutes per meeting. Each individual speaking before the Board is asked to state his/her name and address.
  3. The Board president is responsible for speakers maintaining order and adhering to time limits.
  4. Public discussion is not permitted during the Board business section of the agenda. At the discretion of the Board president, members of the public may raise their hand to be recognized to speak during official Board business items.
  5. During open session, the Board does not hear complaints against school personnel. In accordance with Board policy, such complaints must be put in writing for investigation and disposition by the administration before a request for Board discussion in executive session is considered.
  6. Public concerns involving instruction, discipline, or students should be channeled first to the teacher, and, if not resolved, then to the school principal, superintendent, and school board, in that order.