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North Union Local School District

Prepare | Challenge | Empower

Board of Education

The Board of Education wants you to know that you are always welcome at our meetings. Informed and involved citizens are the key to providing a quality education for our North Union students!

Board of Education members are community residents who are vitally concerned with the education of the youth of the district. Their authority as Board members is in effect when the Board is in session and, though informed and interested, individual members do not speak for the Board outside an official meeting.

Functions of the Board

The Board of Education is a policy-making body comprised of five residents of the school district. Members of the Board are elected by the voters of the district and serve a four-year term. The Board derives its powers and responsibilities from the Ohio General Assembly to establish a sound educational philosophy.

The Board’s major responsibilities are to set policy and oversee the implementation of the policy by the superintendent and staff. Other responsibilities include the following:
  • adopt plans, set goals, and otherwise set a tone of educational progress for the district.
  • select and employ a superintendent and treasurer, and evaluate them.
  • develop sound financial plans based upon educational needs and available resources.
  • consider recommendations of the administration regarding policy, personnel, curriculum, and other matters.
  • evaluate district effectiveness.
  • develop and pass an annual appropriations measure.
  • enter into personnel contracts.
  • to refer applications, complaints, communications and other matters to the school administration.
  • approve an annual school calendar.
  • levy taxes with a vote of the people to maintain schools.
  • and inform the public about the progress and needs of the schools.

At North Union, Board members enter visibly and actively into the life of the school system and are often seen as volunteer tutors, science fair or art fair judges, and helpers at sporting events and other school activities.

Member Bios

Shelly Ehret joined the board in 2016. She is a graduate of Mount Vernon Nazarene University with a BA in Business Administration. She has been employed with Whirlpool, Marion Operations, since 1977. Her husband, Chuck, and son, Chuck, are both North Union High School graduates.

Matt Staley joined the board in 2019. He is a 1992 graduate of North Union High School and a 1996 graduate of The Ohio State University. He is a self-employed grain and livestock farmer. He and his wife, Andrea, are the parents of triplet boys, Rhett, Ryan, and Brady, whom attend North Union schools.

Brian Davis joined the board in 2018. He is a 1995 graduate of North Union High School and a 1999 graduate of Muskingum University with a BA in Business Administration. He is the President of Ken Davis & Sons in Richwood and Senior Investment Advisor with Davis Wealth Planning, Ltd. in Marysville. He and his wife, Jennifer, have three boys, Hudson, Owen, and Wyatt, whom attend North Union schools.

Matthew Hall joined the board in 2022. He is a 1990 graduate of North Union Schools. After graduating he attended both The Ohio State University as well as Columbus State University studying Business Management. He is currently the Midwest Product Representative for LPG&NH3 Supply Inc. He and his wife Jennifer have 5 children Payton, Corey, Owen, Miles and Lily.

Bradley DeCamp joined the board in 2020. He holds a Bachelors degree from Morehead State University and a Masters degree from Ohio University. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Crawford-Marion Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health (ADAMH) Board. Brad and his wife Nikki (Beightler), NU Class of 1995, have 7 children between them. Their youngest attends North Union schools. Three of their older children have already graduated from NUHS.

Upcoming Meetings



Mon Feb 17 2025


Mon Mar 17 2025

Board Members

Brian Davis, President
[email protected]

Matt Staley, Vice President
[email protected]

Bradley DeCamp
[email protected]

Shelly Ehret
[email protected]

Matthew Hall
[email protected]