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North Union Local School District

Prepare | Challenge | Empower

Screening and Identification

Students attending North Union have equal access to opportunities for gifted identification. Identification of learners as gifted conforms to Ohio Revised Code 3324. All screening and identification policies and procedures follow the guidelines laid out in Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15.

District Identification Plan


Students may be referred on an ongoing basis by any of the following:
  • Teacher Recommendation
  • Parent/Guardian Request
  • Self Referral (student request)
  • Peer Request
  • Other school personnel (example: school psychologist)
  • Community members
  • Principal
Parents may request referral information from the classroom teacher, principal, Gifted Intervention Specialist or Gifted Coordinator. Requests must be submitted in the fall by November 1st and in the spring by April 1st. Parents may request referral information from the classroom teacher, principal, Gifted Intervention Specialist or Gifted Coordinator. Requests must be submitted in the fall by November 1.


All students attending North Union will have multiple opportunities for screening for gifted identification. Students in grades 2 and 5 will be screened for superior cognitive ability and creativity. Assessments used for superior cognitive ability include the Naglieri Nonverbal Assessment Test 3rd Edition and the InView. Identification decisions will be made based on the publisher’s recommendations and Department of Education and Workforce approved identification score. Students who score two points below the identification score will be offered an opportunity to be rescreened. Students in grades 2-5 will have multiple opportunities for achievement screening in reading and math when they take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. Students who are referred for screening in kindergarten and first grade will be assessed with the Woodcock Johnson IV test for cognitive development and achievement or other assessment instrument approved by the Department of Education and Workforce for gifted identification. Rescreening for specific academic ability will be available to students who score at th3e 93rd percentile on an approved academic assessment.

Every attempt will be made to ensure that students receive assessments in their native language through the use of interpreters and non-language biased assessments.


Superior Cognitive Ability - Following whole grade screening, retesting, or psychological testing students who meet the standard of two standard deviations above the mean minus the standard error of measure on an assessment approved by Ohio’s Department of Education and Workforce will be identified as gifted in the are of superior cognitive ability. Parents will be notified of this identification in writing. Assessments used may include Naglieri Nonverbal Assessment Test 3rd Edition, the InView, the Woodcock-Johnson IV or any assessment approved by the Department of Education and Workforce.

Specific Academic Ability- Students in grades 2-5 will take the MAP Growth test three times a year to measure growth in math and reading. Students who achieve at the 95th percentile will be identified as gifted in the corresponding academic subject area (math or reading/writing). Parents will be notified of this identification in writing.

Creativity- Creativity checklist will be completed by classroom teachers on all students who meet the cutoff score on one standard deviation above the mean minus the standard error of measures on the whole grade cognitive measure. Examples of creative checklists used include the Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students (SRBCSS) and Gifted Rating Scales (GRS). Students who meet the qualifying score on both the cognitive measure and the checklist will be identified as gifted in the area of creativity. Parents will be notified of this identification in writing.

Transfer / Out of District Testing

North Union accepts all scores from assessment instruments approved for use by the Ohio Department of Education provided by other school districts and/or trained personnel outside the district. Any student transferring into North Union will be assessed within ninety days of the transfer at the request of a parent to the building principal or Gifted Coordinator. Following this time they will automatically be included in the normal referral process set up within North Union.

Appeal Procedures

An appeal by the parent is the reconsideration of the results of any part of the identification process which would include:
  • Screening procedure or assessment instruments (which result in identification)
  • The scheduling of assessments
  • The placement of a student in any program
  • Receipt of services
Parents (or guardians) should submit a letter to the Superintendent or designee outlining the nature of the concern. The Superintendent or designee will convene a meeting with the parent/guardian which may include other school personnel. The Superintendent or designee will issue a written final decision within 30 day of the appeal. The written notice shall include the reason supporting the decision.